Digital Millionaire Secrets

All right. I am really excited today to have on with me
this guest, Dan Henry has been in the digital marketing world for ages and
actually we were just having a conversation about being a little bit too
fanboy-ish, which I happen to be, I have to temper a little bit here, but, uh,
we were both at funnel hacking live except I was in the audience and he was
speaking from stage. He actually received a two comma club X award, which if
you’re not paying attention, that means he’s made eight figures through a sales
funnel. Dan is fantastic at teaching and talking about actually taking your
ideas and teaching them to other people and making money doing it, which is
pretty much the coolest thing I can, I have figured out how to do online thus
far and am anxious to work on. He actually has a brand new book that I was
fortunate enough to get an advanced copy of called digital millionaire secrets.
And a, we’ll make sure that you guys all know how to get ahold of that. But,
uh, I’m really excited to have Dan. Hey man, welcome in.

Dan Henry: Hey man, thank you. I’m excited to be here.

JR: Well, thanks. I know that you’ve been running, you’ve been running a lot of interviews and so I really appreciate it, especially given the, uh, the current environment. Uh, I think the zombies are at the Gates is the last news story I heard so,

Dan Henry: So we’ve been doing about eight interviews a day back,back to back to back. And, um, it’s actually, I mean, I’m just sitting at home,you know, doing interviews. So it’s, it’s better than being in the office because there’s all kinds of people running around and stuff, so it’s not that bad.

JR: So there you go. There you go. So, Digital millionaire Secrets, man, I’m a, I’m, I was telling you I’m about three quarters of the way through it. I’ll finish it tonight. But it is, it’s been fantastic. I mean,it’s really easy to read. So I recommend for everybody to pick up a copy. What day does it actually launch?

Dan Henry:

Oh, well it’s good to go now. If you buy it now, you
should, you should get it within a few days.


Okay. Fantastic. So we’ll make sure that we can talk about
that. We kind of where, where to go to get that. But walk me through, you know,
I, I read it, but walk me through a little bit of your backstory, your history
and kind of how, how you came up with all of this.

Dan Henry:

Well, I was in college for audio engineering and, you
know, I was struggling to make my way through. It was very expensive. It was
like 70 grand to go to this school plus. And one day I was hanging out at a
guitar center and there was a guy who was struggling to decide what microphone
to buy. And so I, you know, I give him some advice and he was so impressed with
it that he offered me $100 to go to his house and show him how to use his other
gear and his software, his audio production software. And so I did, and I’m,
you know, I’m leaving there and I’m looking at this, this a hundred dollars
bill and I’m thinking, wow, this is the easiest money I ever made.

Dan Henry:

And I wasn’t like an expert expert at it. I just knew more
than he did and that was worth something to him. Um, and I, you know, over the
next seven years, I pursued entrepreneurship pretty heavily. But I never could
really make it really hit. I had a lot of ups, but I had more than more downs.
And, um, it got so bad that at one point I was selling water bottles on the
side of the road to help pay my electric. Wow. Yeah. And so, um, but I
eventually did figure it out. And today I, I’ve sold over $12 million of my own
personal digital products. And that means online courses, consulting, and
masterminds. I took that whole process, what worked, what didn’t, and I
documented it and put it in this book, Digital Millionaire Secrets. And so I
always say, if I could go back in time and I was allowed to meet my former self
10 years ago, but I wasn’t allowed to talk to myself, I could just give myself
one thing. I would write a manual on how to do it faster without the mistakes.
And this would be that manual and this is what I would give myself. So that’s
what I’m giving to you.


Fantastic. Yeah. Wow, that’s, that’s awesome. So as
you’ve, as you’ve gone through, I mean, I was just reading in, you’re talking
about, uh, you know, the, basically you sell everything via a webinar. And I
love how you make the point that a webinar is just a sales presentation. Just
like when you’re walking through Costco, when it’s normal Costco, and you’ve
got the, uh, the ShamWow guy or the, uh, actually, I guess a Costco more. It’s
the, the blender guys are, they’re telling you, you know, they’ve got their mic
on. Is one of those guys, you were one of those guys.

Dan Henry:

Yeah. I sold titanium cookware for a company called twin
towers trading and they had a blender too. And it was funny cause the blender
that was the easiest one to sell, we would all fight to try to get that. So
like we, we would, some guys would sell pots and pans, some guys would sell ’em
uh, I forget what the other products were, but if you got to solve the blender,
that means you were really good and that was the most profitable one and you’d
make the most money. And uh, the blender was like the, the top notch. And I
never was able to sell the blender, but I, I did make decent money with the
pots and pans. And so I was, I was at one point a pitch man.


You were a pitch man. That’s awesome. Well, and you know,
at our core, right as digital marketers, we’re all pitch men and you know, to a
certain, to a certain extent, but w the, the part that I loved was, I mean,
everybody’s seen a webinar and I know that when I first saw it and said, wait,
I have to do what? And the, the, the, the, the fear I guess of, okay. Put it in
the other stupid deep slide deck. Like I’m, uh, I was, I was, uh, I was in ROTC
cadet in college was my dad. Yeah. So death by PowerPoint is a very real thing.
Like anybody, anybody who’s been in the military knows that like doing
briefings is like, I’d rather chew on a bullet. Thanks. And so doing that, but
it’s necessary in a webinar because you need to convey that information.


But what you did is pulled up and you did the whiteboard
webinar and even gave an example of, um, of somebody who, who did it and kind
of overproduced it to a point where he had too many lights. And so the
whiteboard was all washed out and blown out in. And so he couldn’t see it. So
we literally just scrapped the idea and sat down in front of his camera and
just kind of poured his heart out. And the grant does, is that Arnie
[inaudible]? Is that who that was? Yup. Yup. Okay. When I saw RNA, I’m like, okay,
there’s, there’s, there’s not many that are named that way. So I’ve wondered.
But, uh, so when you do that, that, that whiteboard webinar, I guess really
that’s more of a way to, to kind of hone the message more than anything, right?
I mean, that’s where you’re starting. That’s the, that that is very much your
rough draft for a webinar. Am I right?

Dan Henry:

Well, it sort of, uh, what it does is it forces you to
create a webinar without fancy bells and whistles. And it basically says, cause
here’s the thing, people will, you know, they’ll sell their product with a, a
fancy webinar. Uh, and the only reason it’s sells is cause they put all these
extra bells and whistles into it. And then when they go to scale it, it falls
apart because it was barely hanging on by a thread to begin with. So with a
whiteboard webinar, you take out everything and all you’re left with is an
iPhone, a whiteboard and a marker. And essentially what that means is you just
your message and your offer and if you can sell off a whiteboard webinar, it’s
like putting ankle weights on, right? It’s the same thing as when like athletes
train at a high altitude. So it’s, it’s, it’s intentionally stripping you down
to the most raw form and if it youth, if you can sell there, then when, then when
you do put together fancy slides and webinar automation and all that, then you
know, it’s really going to crush. But if it doesn’t sell with just a whiteboard
webinar, then it’s going to fall apart.


Awesome. Yeah. In fact, one of the, one of the things you
said in here, it was a quote, I actually wrote it down and I literally like I
underlined it and co and dog-eared the page cause I wanted to call it out, but
said, uh, break something down. Stripping it down to its most raw and simple
form if it still works, it’s a winner. And I’ve been thinking about that a lot
lately as I’ve been trying to, trying to put some of what you’ve been teaching
into action and really taking what I know, which is sales and, and, and
basically making it easier for the masses because there’s so many people out
there I know who are introverts normally who selling something scares the
living crap out of them and live and working at commission jobs scares
everything out of them. And I can, I can impart some of that knowledge and,
but, but I’ve been struggling with that, break it down to the base parts and be
like, okay, um, what is okay, what are we specifically going to, you know, how
to break it down into those individual individual pieces.


In fact, in the book you go through and you talk about
making a roadmap and then having each of your mile markers along the way be
your next step. And I’m like, this thing is literally, I’m, I’m building my
course right now and I’m using this book as the roadmap to help me go through
there so that hopefully I’m that version of you from 10 years ago who can just
go through and not, um, not have to stub my toe all along the way in order to
make it happen. So for that, I really appreciate what you’re doing.

Dan Henry:

Well, hopefully, uh, you, you, you’re not the version of
me from 10 years ago because it took me a, I always say it took me seven years
to become an overnight success. So the point of the book is just to reduce
that, uh, seven years into maybe a few months.


Perfect. Okay. Well let’s, let’s aim for that then for
sure. No, that, well, and it’s, it’s awesome because you go through, and I
mean, it’s very timely. Obviously, you know, I got a very early copy from
funnel hiking live, which I loved and I mean, I’m a book geek. Um, this is,
this is one of 26 print books I’m reading this year. That’s why it was, excuse
me, 24. It’s two a month, every other week I’m reading a new print book. So
this is, this is one of them. So, uh, I’m, I’m pleased that I got it, but what
I love is that you really go through and show like, Oh yeah, look, we had our
first million dollar month in February of last year and I’m like, that was only
last year. Like Dan Henry is this like luminary, he’s been around this game
for, it feels like forever. And obviously you’re winning huge awards,


but , it’s funny just to put it in perspective where
you’re just a dude, like nobody can see the video here, but you’re just sitting
at home, hanging out with a microphone in front of your face right now,
drinking coffee while we’re, while we’re talking.

Dan Henry:

Yeah. I mean I still don’t, you know, it’s kinda weird
cause, when I go to conferences and stuff now, uh, like I’ve been to a few
conferences recently and um, everybody always introduces me as like the legendary
Dan Henry and we have a legend here. And I’m just like, this is so weird,
because it was like, I don’t know, seven or eight years ago, I was, uh, sort of
see, I was, I was a maybe a little bit more like 10. I was delivering pizza and
you know, five years ago I was really, I was a nobody, like nobody knew who I
was. I wasn’t even, I don’t even think I was, what year is this? Is 2020. So
2015. Yeah, in 2015. Wow. That’s crazy. In 2015, um, I didn’t have a job. I was
unemployed. I didn’t have a business and I was struggling to figure out what my
business would be and I had no money and I was, uh, trying to sell water
bottles on the side of the road. Um, and that was five years ago, and now I’m
the legendary Dan Henry. That’s just so weird to me. You know, it’s, it’s
pretty insane.


That’s, well, that’s awesome, man. I applaud it because,

Dan Henry:

and I, I don’t, I don’t know if I would agree that I’m
legendary. That’s just what people will will say. Um, but just for even one
person to describe yourself as that, when five years ago you were broke, it’s
just odd, you know? And I’m, I’m grateful, but it’s very surreal.


Yeah. They, well, the appropriate level of humility given,
good jobs. So, but you know, I mean it’s, it’s great to see because I’m a big
fan of the, the watching the journey stories and so when I can see a journey
play out in relatively relatively short amount of time, right. That’s, that’s
exciting to me because it’s like, well, if he can, I can, you know, just like I
believe now I, you know, I look at pictures of Jeff Bezos in 1997 the year that
I graduated high school, starting Amazon, and now look at him like, I mean,
he’s significantly less wealthy than he was because he got divorced. But that’s
a different story. But the, the idea behind all that is that honestly, that
wasn’t even a blip on the radar for him. Like, Oh, you just lost $50 billion.
Okay, fine, I’ll go make a hundred more.

JR: You know, it’s just like, and, and that’s just being able
to see that. And where you talking about, you know, where you did your first
real webinar, you did 42 grand the first, you know, with the first run, and
then the followup was another 50 or no, 48 and 52, right? 52 yeah. And then, so
a hundred grand and then you’re like, Oh, here, let me, let me run some ads to,
you know, an evergreen webinar or a basically an automated one. And you made
150% of that like crap. You know, it’s like, that’s suddenly, you know, a
quarter million dollars when you’re talking about being, you know, dead broke
five years ago, like that quarter million dollars, a crap ton of money for
like, let’s just say for 99% of the people in this country and 99.9% of the
people on the planet. Right. And so to be able to see that from something that
you were passionate about.

JR: And you know, starting out with, uh, you know, talking
about tuning guitars or mess around with gear. Like I’m, I’m a natural gadget
geek and I love just helping people do stuff like that or giving them advice,
Oh Hey, you might want to do this. And seeing that that can be translated into
a, you know, an eight figure business like that, that gives me hope. So for
that man, I want to thank you just for the giving hope aspect, which is
probably, uh, a little known or maybe not a little known, but lesser acknowledged
benefit that you give everybody else. And the book is awesome. So I mean, tell
us where, you know, where, where can we get it and what are some of the, what
are some of the other courses that you offer for people who really want to kind
of take this thing and throw gasoline on it

Dan Henry: so you can get the book and digital millionaire Um, and it’s free. I, I’ve covered the cost of the book. You just
have to pay the post man. Um, so you just pay shipping and we’ll send you out
the book for free. Uh, and then we have a program called, and a lot of people
will read this book and then they’ll decide that they want to get in our
sold-out courses program. And what that is, is if you want to create a
profitable online course, a coaching or consulting program, or even a
mastermind. This is the program for you. Um, we, it’s a, it’s a premium
program. It is not a course. Um, it includes several courses, but an a main
curriculum course. But it is a coaching program where you talk to me personally
and my team every week there’s multiple calls and we help you build this stuff

Dan Henry: We even give you a, the systems that you need, you don’t
have to build them. We give them to you. They’re already created. You just plug
in your ma, your message and your copy and your, your, uh, offer. Um, so you
don’t, you know, most programs, they teach you how to build things. We just
built it for you. Um, so there’s that. And then, um, you know, it covers
everything from finding your course idea to, uh, you know, everything from
live, live launches to automated to high ticket customer service sales, how to
close on the phone objections, uh, every, whether you sell low ticket, high
ticket, super high ticket, it, you know, it covers everything because I’ve, I’ve
sold all those and I’ve done all those and uh, you know, over the course of 12
million in sales, we’ve figured out, um, everything from, you know, webinars,
customer service, just the whole process, just the whole everything. And so,
um, that is, uh, it’s a complete one stop solution to your entire, to
everything you need to build an online education business, whether that’s an
online course coaching program, whatever. Um, and then past that is my
mastermind, which is, uh, you, you just get a lot more time with me. You get to
come out three times a year to my, um, office, um, and for two days at a time.
And there’s some other perks with that as well.

JR: Fantastic. That’s, uh, that’s awesome. And so can is it
sold out to uh, to find the courses or the findings

Dan Henry: so you can get the book and digital millionaire if you want to watch our sold-out courses webinar, which is how to
build a profitable online course business, um, you can go to sold-out for that. Uh, but if you want to know more about me and the
different products we offer and my company and all that, um, uh, you can go to
get and that, that has, that has links to everything. That’s our
main corporate website. That’s your main

JR: website. Awesome, man. Well, I know that you are, uh,
you’re slammed and this is one of many, so I want to definitely get you get
your back to it. But Dan, I really appreciate you coming on and sharing with
us. I mean, um, I, like I said, everybody go pick up the book, a digital
millionaire digital millionaire secrets by Dan Henry. It’s free. You just gotta
pay the postman is a paid post man, the post man. All right man. Hey, thanks so
much. And, uh, and, and stay safe and, you know, wash your hands and, and all
that good stuff while I’m staying home. So. Alright. Hey, thanks Dan. All
right, man. Have a good one. Thank you so much.