I’ve got this interview with Kevin Quinn. Kevin is the vice president of business development for JVZoo, which is an affiliate marketplace. In the interview, we talked about a number of different things, and one of them actually is the One Funnel Away Challenge. I’ve been able to work with Kevin on an awesome offer. I’m so pumped to offer it for you guys. If you go to OFA.MLMRenegade.com, you’re going to be able to this offer that we put together for the One Funnel Away Challenge. You guys, it cost 100 bucks. It’s just a little bit of money, but the value there is probably a 100x–I’m not even exaggerating–a hundred times the value that’s available here.
Go check it out. It is fantastic. It will teach you what you need and want to know about funnels and creating funnels and even a little bit about creating different offers that you can use to promote your products, your services, whatever it is that you need to do, whether you’re in network marketing, in brick and mortar, whatever. This is going to be amazing. Guys, check out this interview. Leave me some comments and feedback. Shoot me a message JR@MLMRenegade.com. If you’ve got questions, love to talk with you about it, but go check out OFA.MLMRenegade.com and you can get this offer, as well.
JR: Hey, I’m really excited to have with me, Kevin Quinn. Kevin is leading the sales efforts with JVZoo. We haven’t talked a lot about a JVZoo in the past, but we’re going to be. JVZoo is an affiliate marketplace. One of the things that we want to do with network marketing is really understanding how best that we can serve as many people as possible. Being an affiliate for other groups gives us that opportunity, gives us an opportunity to create a momentum and to create products and offers that have to do with it. I got together recently with Kevin for an offer for One Funnel Away, that I’ll be rolling out to everybody listening. Kevin, thanks for coming on man.
Kevin: All right, my man, thank you so much. I’m honored that you asked me to do a be on your podcast. I appreciate it. Thank you.
JR: It’s like my marriage, I outkick my coverage, and so that’s what I’m trying to do on the podcast here is provide exponentially more value with other people’s voices than with my own.
Kevin: Appreciate it.
JR: Why don’t you explain just a little bit about what you do with JVZoo and the role there and a little bit about what you’re passionate about.
Kevin: Yeah, for sure. The official title is Business Development Manager, and in relation to JVZoo and the marketplace there, I think they’re approaching 520,000+ affiliates over there. What that means is there’s 520,010,99 folks, like you and myself and others, who have access to all the different products that are in the marketplace. There can be things from $7.00 tools to digital tools, all the way up to high-ticket courses: $1,000, $5,000 courses and everything in between.
What you do is as an affiliate, you can go in, you can request access to sell this product, and then you can begin marketing it in a myriad of ways: you can do that through lists, through groups, through ads, however it is you want to target a market. As an affiliate, you can sell products. As a somebody who develops products, you can place those in house at JVZoo and give access to an access of 500,000 people to sell it on your behalf.
My responsibility is the business development manager is to grow the affiliate channel, and to also grow the products that are coming on board over at JVZoo, so that’s what I’m tasked with.
JR: Fantastic. Once the Renegade Recruiting System is up and running, I want to get it over there at JVZoo so that we can have affiliate selling that. I think it’d be fantastic opportunity to grow that and really to help other people understand how to do network marketing in a way that you don’t have to bother friends and family. In fact, you can bring in people from all over the world. It is a very big world with seven and a half billion people in it and half of those, right now, are on some sort of social media and so we need to use that.
Right now, you’re running a special for the One Funnel Away Challenge through ClickFunnels, but you’re doing it in a very peculiar way and it’s not benefiting you. Tell me about that.
Kevin: When I initially launched my Challenge funnel for One Funnel Away, I included some bonuses in there that I thought were compelling enough for somebody to want to purchase through me. I started my offer the tail end of January on the first challenge and I had six days to go. In six days, I put in 110 or so people. Then tailing after that, going into the next challenge, another 70 or so. I didn’t market it anywhere. For the first couple of days of that last six days, it was all word of mouth. Everything after that was just people shared that, Hey, Kevin Quinn–Kevin Steven as I’m known on Facebook–He’s got some amazing bonuses to go with his offer.”
I ran with that for a little while, and then one day I was watching what was happening in these various groups and there seemed to be a whole lot of people teeing up certain people so the other guy can come in and knock it out of the park and grow their space. I started to watch what was happening in relation to all that. It always seemed to be the same to same two characters. And I’m just like, hmm, something is going on here. I just stepped back and realized they’re preying on people, and not praying as in a prayer but they’re preying in the sense of vultures feeding on people.
I want to change my mindset. This is not how I want to be known. I don’t want to be categorized in this way. I told the group and anybody who mentioned me, please stop sharing me, don’t. This is not what I want. I decided to drive traffic in a more organic way to that funnel, but I decided to do something different, so it’s not my affiliate link. When you sign up through my bonuses and get my funnel, that affiliate link is somebody else. I have found people, I’ve got people that are teed up that are ready to go, that have needs.
Right now, if somebody will were to walk in and to buy the One Funnel Away Challenge through my funnel, it actually goes to a single mom in California. All that, 100% of that commission in that sign up, goes to her, because I don’t touch any of that. There are other people behind Dana, weekly as I change this out, that will get the benefit of, so everybody who signs up this week, 100% of the condition goes to Dana. They still get all my bonuses next week, it’ll be somebody else.
JR: That’s awesome. I talk about, especially here in the podcast, a lot about trying to drive value and be valuable for the audience at large, because some of the people that I think you and I have been mentored by or by surrounding ourselves with, especially in that ClickFunnels community, are very altruistic. I think you’re right, I think there have been some people who’ve preyed on that and use that to their advantage. It pisses me off too.
Kevin: I’m with you. It’s not ethical.
JR: No, it’s the antithesis of ethics if you ask me.
Kevin: Yeah, you’re right. It’s on the complete opposite. Here’s the other piece of it, too. I won’t down a huge rabbit hole on this. Not only are they preying on people in the group, new members, they’ve got teams, they’ve hired virtual assistants that go in and they send messages to all the new members that join in because on the back, so you can click on members in your Facebook groups, you can see it admins, moderators, whatever your friends, and then the next section is all the new members in the list and they just keep flowing. There’s pages and pages and pages of all the new members. They’ve hired virtual assistants and meshes them right out the gate. “Hey, you should, you should go to this link and get these bonuses and this offer and get into this group.”
They’re driving traffic to new members in the background, and then they’re also using virtual assistants to create traffic to them in the groups themselves. They come in on posts that have questions about me, oh, you need to talk to so and so and you need to get in under their One Funnel Away Challenge right now because here’s the offer that they have. I’m just like, “This is extremely unethical,” but in the process of they train people, they do this themselves, if you want in the group and you were already with Spencer Mecham, you want in my group and you want my bonuses, you have to cancel your account with Spencer and you’d have to sign up under me. That’s the only way they’re giving up these bonuses. It’s extremely unethical. They’ve been doing it a lot. No, that’s the newest dream car winner, this is how he built his model.
JR: That’s, yeah, that’s disgusting.
Kevin: It’s stinky.
JR: My drive here to create value for people. I want to help people understand that they can leave a 9:00 to 5:00 job in doing this. In fact, right now you’re putting some incredible things together, and you have an incredible network of individuals, obviously, through JVZoo where you’re going to be able to… I love seeing that you’re able to help other people, because I mean just for everybody who doesn’t know, the One Funnel Away Challenge costs 100 bucks. If you sign up through a referral link, which basically everybody does, it’s somebody’s referral link that they’re getting through, that entire $100 goes to the referrer and ClickFunnels is using this really to drive traffic because they’re making it up on the back end when it comes down to using their software.
Well, Kevin giving away his referral link, essentially, or piping it through to somebody else. This single mom in California, for example, there’s hundreds and, let’s be honest, thousands of dollars that you’re going to be funneling to her, which is an enormous boon for anybody who needs some extra cash.
With MLM Renegade, what we’re trying to do is to help people earn extra cash so that they can leave the rat race, leave the 9:00 to 5:00, get plugged into everything that they need to do so that they can spend time with their families. I’ve said this, and I don’t think I’ve told you this, Kevin, but my happiest place is on a ski lift with my kids. I could go do that five days a week, I would. You’ve got to have some rest in there. I get tired legs, too; in fact, this morning I got the snow report: Alta Ski Resort has had three feet of new snow in the last 48 hours. Three feet. Check the calendar. It’s April. Are you kidding me?
Kevin: Spring skiing.
JR: Spring skiing. Spring powder, anyway. With what you’re doing with all the affiliates, you’ve got some Facebook groups that you’re promoting and I want to help you promote those because, one, I believe in the vision that you have and, two, I think that it can be a great benefit to everybody who listens to the podcast. Thankfully, you guys may have seen, we just crossed a thousand total downloads, so we’re just getting going. It’s exciting. We’ve been able to reach people and seeing those grow each and every day. What are some of those Facebook groups where you can help people, Kevin?
Kevin: I think the main focus for me now, which really just of late, probably the last two weeks has become a focus for me, is a group we called the Side Hustle community. In our community, we try to provide a ton of value and in a lot of different niches. We bring on some folks who were extremely well versed, intelligent in that niche, and we’ll do live webinars with them.
In the last week or so, we’ve we just had Blake Nubar on twice where he does funnel breakdowns. He takes somebody else’s funnel, brings it in, he critiques it all the way through. This is a guy that’s made 10 million himself, and he’s helped other people make millions with funnels. He breaks down funnels and the flow and then the nuances in the language. We had Rachel Peterson. She was talking about social media growth. This new app called Tik Tok. She was talking about how amazing this thing is to drive traffic. She was in there. Kim Dang came in and talked about Chrome extensions in the group. God, we’ve had so many people. I’ve got a gal tonight who’s coming in to do a seminar on chatbots. She’s going to talk about chatbots and effectiveness in that.
In the community, we provide a lot of value, a lot of training. I think that’s where I want to focus now is there. I have my own affiliate group, as well, where I tried to help and coach affiliates. I realized as I launched this group, in a couple of weeks I got about 400 people in the group, I realized my real focus here pretty quick is going to be a new group with the Steves and the Rachel and Colton and Blake. And that’s our Funnels Zoo group, that’s where we’re going to train and grow affiliates, teach them how to affectively affiliate market product.
If you’ve got folks who want to leave their nine to five, how are they going to do it? A lot of folks that step into this space are like, “I’m in, now what?” Well, that’s what we want to do. We want to bring you in and say, okay, here’s your now what, and this is how you do it, and this is how you scale it. If you do it correctly six months, nine months, a year from now, you can be out of your nine to five and completely replace that income with affiliate commissions. There’s a lot of different ways to do it, so that’s kind of a focus for me, as well. The Funnels Zoo group is one and then the Side Hustle community is the other.
JR: Awesome. You can find those on Facebook, and you should definitely search for them. It’s funny you bring up the affiliate, the “I’m in, now what,” that’s totally me. I have my goals here written, and I’m going to hold them up to the camera so you can see there here, Kevin, but the very top one says: 10k a month in affiliate commissions.
Kevin: I see it.
JR: That’s where I can get to a spot, what I call, the bridge of tears, where it’s like it costs you more money to go to work than it does keep working on your side job.
Kevin: You think about that, too, as you pull yourself out of your day job. If you start to get where you’re trending and you’re making good money on your side hustle, if you can pull the hours that you spend in your day job and put those into your side hustle, how much more effective can you be?
JR: Pretty soon you don’t have to put in those hours because it’s just goes.
Kevin: My word of mouth offer for the One Funnel Away Challenge in about 30 days made me $18,000 in commissions.
JR: That’s insane.
Kevin: I’m like, okay, if I could repeat that every month… I mean, if I could do 15 to 20 grand a month in commissions, which I could, but I stepped back from that because I knew what was coming down the road. I knew that 90 days from now I had much bigger things coming, so that’s why I kind of changed my focus and realized, I’d rather help somebody else with that money, and which is putting their affiliate ID and then my funnel. I’d rather help somebody else because I know that’s my goal. My end game, for me, is I want to help people, and like you, you want to help people change their mindset, get out of their nine to five. What is it that makes you happy? If it’s skiing with the kids, I love to ski. My son is always trying to drag me up to the slopes. He’s a border. I’m a skier. Always want to go up. I’m with you. I want to spend more time with family. I want to do other things.
I think like you, my big passion actually is in relation to giving back because I serve on a board for a mental health foundation because I, myself, deal with mental health issues, things that I’ve carried through from childhood all the way through my Marine Corps days to today. I know what small stresses in life can do financially. If I’ve got to make the house payment and I don’t have the money right now, what am I going through, the stresses that I’m dealing with. All that leads into anxieties and other things that affect people in a way that sometimes they don’t make the right choice in life, some people choose to check out because of these anxieties. I don’t want that. I want to help as many people as I can, so that’s why I do what I do so that I can help people get past the small things feeding their kids, having their power bill paid, having the house bill pay, making the car payment.
If there’s ways to help them do that, I want to help do that and I don’t talk about it, but I’ve got another domain called microentrepreneur.club. And if you go to it, I’m up. If things happen the way they’re about to happen right now, I’m going to have ungodly amounts of money dumped on me. Do I need ungodly amounts of money dumped on me? No, I don’t. I’m a really simple guy. I’m very frugal. I don’t want to live an extravagant life, that’s just not the way I roll. I want to take the money earned from this and I want to fund this so it’s already in place with the attorneys, investors, a foundation that I can put money in to and that foundation will feed Micro Entrepreneur.
What does that do? If I’m a single mom in California and I know that I’ve got to keep my power bill on so that I can work, we’re going to pay your power bill. But if I need a software that will help me become a better digital marketer or launch me or if there’s a tool I need, a resource I need, to launch my dream, we want to fund that in small amounts, micro amounts, I guess micro think sub-thousand dollars or less. I want to fund people and help them get to that next step so they can get past some of these hurdles they are dealing with in life that are preventing them from being a happier version of themselves.
JR: Fantastic. What was that URL one more time?
Kevin: Microentrepreneur.club, www.microentrepreneur.club. It’s very skeleton right now. It will take shape here on the next couple of months. That thing will start to take shape and start to fund some dreams for people. Help them launch.
JR: Awesome. Kevin, thanks so much for joining me. Really pumped to see everything you’re doing and working with you in the future. I know that we’re going to do some cool stuff together and I’m excited to see everything going together. Thanks for coming out.
Kevin: Appreciate it, man. Thank you so much for having me on.
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